"Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, the Wicked Witch is Dead!"
Hayden found a witch's hat on Halloween morning
and just HAD to wear it.
The hat doubled as a sombrero.
(You can really see Hayden's new smile in this picture.
He's a BIG, Cheesy HAM!)
Ward Halloween Party:
Jarom and Hayden as Dragons/Dinosaurs.
Hayden, Jarom, Isabella, and Avery
I told Hayden to "SMILE BIG":
He's such a dork! But, OH SO CUTE!
Our Little Family: Goofy, A Witch, and A Dinosaur.
Daddy and Hayden enjoying some chili and cornbread at the party.
The Dyer Family
(Dr. Suess' Cat in the Hat)
The Quigley Family
The Walker Family
And now the best part of Halloween...
Brian, as Goofy, handed out the candy from a classroom in the church (our trunk-or-treat was rained out).
Hayden goes Trick-or-Treating:
It was super cute to see Hayden learn the trick-or-treating protocol so quickly.
In the beginning mom packed the bucket around and asked for treats.
After a couple of doors Hayden took the bucket from me and took charge of getting his own candy.
He was determined to get from door to door, he couldn't miss any candy.
"Come on Mom, Let's GO!"
Only after half a dozen doors he was saying "Trick-Or-Treat" and "Thank You"; and by the end he was a professional trick-or-treater.