Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Day 2010

"Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, the Wicked Witch is Dead!"
Hayden found a witch's hat on Halloween morning
and just HAD to wear it.

The hat doubled as a sombrero.

(You can really see Hayden's new smile in this picture.
He's a BIG, Cheesy HAM!)

Ward Halloween Party:
Jarom and Hayden as Dragons/Dinosaurs.

Hayden, Jarom, Isabella, and Avery

I told Hayden to "SMILE BIG":
He's such a dork! But, OH SO CUTE!

Our Little Family: Goofy, A Witch, and A Dinosaur.

Daddy and Hayden enjoying some chili and cornbread at the party.

The Dyer Family
(Dr. Suess' Cat in the Hat)

The Quigley Family

The Walker Family

And now the best part of Halloween...
Brian, as Goofy, handed out the candy from a classroom in the church (our trunk-or-treat was rained out).

Hayden goes Trick-or-Treating:
It was super cute to see Hayden learn the trick-or-treating protocol so quickly.

In the beginning mom packed the bucket around and asked for treats.

After a couple of doors Hayden took the bucket from me and took charge of getting his own candy.

He was determined to get from door to door, he couldn't miss any candy.

"Come on Mom, Let's GO!"

Only after half a dozen doors he was saying "Trick-Or-Treat" and "Thank You"; and by the end he was a professional trick-or-treater.

Halloween Cruise

On Friday Night we went on a Halloween Cruise with Grandma.
(Do you like Hayden's new SMILE?
He thinks that if he closes his eyes, it makes his smile larger. He's so dang cute!)

The Dyer Family also came along.

On the left is the Pirate that plundered our ship.

Our little Halloween Cruise Group
(Jessica, Hayden, Brian, Dallin, Isabella, Megan, Avery, and Grandma took the picture).

Notice Hayden's hand: this is the only group picture without Hayden's hand right in front of his face; his new word for the night was "bright" and he would try to cover his eyes every time the flash started blinking.


Hayden has been learning his shapes. It only took him a couple of days to memorize circle, heart, square, triangle, and star. Then only an hour to memorize an oval.

A couple of days ago, I was dressing Hayden. I noticed him playing with his belly button. All of a sudden a little light went on in Hayden's head (DING!) and he said, "Mom, Belly...Circle!"

Right now he is learning rectangle and diamond. He's a little smarty pants, but only when he wants to be. We have been trying to learn colors for the last several months, but he's not very good at "guessing" the correct color. He just starts saying all the colors he knows (red, green, black, white, purple...) until he guesses correctly. It's so cute to see him learn.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Monroe Canyon

While visiting Grandpa Johnson we went for a 4-wheeler ride up Monroe Canyon.
Hayden and Daddy on the 4-wheeler under a canopy of yellow leaves.

The Ride was Gorgeous:

At the top, we found snow:
(And it was fun to play in, while on the 4-wheeler!)

And while eating lunch, Hayden found a little "Fort":

Where he played "Peek-a-Boo".
Thank you Grandpa Johnson for the BEAUTIFUL Ride.

Apple Orchard

While visiting Grandpa Johnson, he took us to an Apple Orchard.

Great Grandpa Johnson and Hayden
on the hunt for some good apples.

Hayden found some.

"Let me see if they're good mom. Yep! Pretty TASTY"

"Let's get some more!"

"I need another TASTE. You know, just in case. Plus I'm working so hard."

"You can never have too many apples."

"Man, these are SO GOOD! I just can't get enough!"

Hayden had such a blast picking apples with Great Grandpa Johnson. The trick was to show him the apples on the tree; cause he kept putting apples from the ground into our basket, or even worse...into his mouth!

Hayden does a little dance (we call it the "Chocolate Dance") whenever he eats chocolate. Well on the ride home from the Apple Orchard, Hayden did something like his "Chocolate Dance" except it's some "Hayden Apple Smiles":

"Apples make me so happy!"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hee Haw Farms 2010

We went to Hee Haw Farms again this year to pick out our Family Pumpkin.

Hayden driving the Tractor!
As you can tell, he loves anything with wheels.
And the Bigger the Wheels, the BIGGER the SMILE!


(Look at Hayden's hands. He's brushing the dirt, slime, and feed off. He's becoming a little clean freak, I wonder where he gets that from?)

(Brian trying to be a good sport, but not really liking all the pictures.)

Is that a "Blue Steal" look from Mr. Hayden Bo-Bayden?

Miniature Maze
"Mom, which way do I go?"

Ahh! The Pumpkins!
We found them!

We Hope Everyone is Enjoying the Fall Season!

Cupcake Batter

"Daddy's Great, Bring on the Chocolate Cake!"
That's what Brian sang over and over and over again one Sunday, until I made Chocolate Cupcakes.
Hayden didn't mind either.
But he enjoyed the Cupcake Batter the BEST:

Hayden's First Cupcake Beater!

Doesn't he look so happy?!
"I'll clean the beater for you anytime, Mom!"

Discovery Gateway & Circus

We just bought a season pass to Discovery Gateway.
So we will be going there a lot this winter.

Here are some pictures from the last time we went:
(These pictures were taken with my iPhone, so they're not the greatest. Sorry!)
Jarom and Hayden driving the BIG Red Jeep! (Beep, Beep)

Ryan and Hayden playing in the Water. (Splash, Splash!)

Hayden driving the Cop Car.
(Hayden has a Red Cozy Coup at home,
but this one's better because it's BLACK like Daddy's Car!)

Now Flying the Helicopter!

There was a special treat in SLC, on the day we visited the Museum... The CIRCUS!
The Boys (Jarom, Hayden, and Ryan) watching the CIRUS parade.

The best part:
What a great day!