Sunday, October 17, 2010

Apple Orchard

While visiting Grandpa Johnson, he took us to an Apple Orchard.

Great Grandpa Johnson and Hayden
on the hunt for some good apples.

Hayden found some.

"Let me see if they're good mom. Yep! Pretty TASTY"

"Let's get some more!"

"I need another TASTE. You know, just in case. Plus I'm working so hard."

"You can never have too many apples."

"Man, these are SO GOOD! I just can't get enough!"

Hayden had such a blast picking apples with Great Grandpa Johnson. The trick was to show him the apples on the tree; cause he kept putting apples from the ground into our basket, or even worse...into his mouth!

Hayden does a little dance (we call it the "Chocolate Dance") whenever he eats chocolate. Well on the ride home from the Apple Orchard, Hayden did something like his "Chocolate Dance" except it's some "Hayden Apple Smiles":

"Apples make me so happy!"

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