Saturday, November 10, 2012


Hee Haw Farms

Waiting for the Hay Ride to go and pick our family's pumpkins.

Daddy got the biggest, Hayden a "middle" one, and Jocelyn a "baby, princess" pumpkin.

Family Photos

 Anyone for a Sunday drive?

 Pops calls them "Bonnie and Clyde"

"I've Got This!"
My Favorite!

Photos taken by Emily Miner Photography.
Thanks Emily!

Ward Halloween Trunk-Or-Treat 

Brian was at class that night, so I was solo. In the picture you can see Hayden trying to help me "round-up" Jocelyn for a picture. 

First Sign of Winter

Hayden was SO EXCITED!! 
Can you tell?

Disneyland Christmas Countdown Chain 

Hayden has been so excited about going to Disneyland for Christmas. He was asking us daily if it was time to go. Finally I told him that we weren't going until it snowed.
Well, it snowed. He got up that morning, saw the snow and immediately asked, "Are we going to Disneyland today?"...That night we made a Disneyland Christmas Countdown Chain!

"Naughty Girl"

5 Little Pumpkins

Performed by the Preschool Posse:

Going for a Ride with Daddy

Hayden begged and begged Brian to take him for a ride on his new motocycle...Well, actually Hayden only had to ask once and Brian jumped on the chance to show-off his new toy, even though it was to a little crowd. 

Beal's Halloween Party

Jessica: Baker, Jocelyn: Cupcake, Brian: Scooby-Doo, Hayden: Little Einsteins
(the picture is foggy because the party had a fog machine!)

Hayden and Ty-Ty

She looks so delicious, I just want to gobble her sweet cheeks up.
(What cheeks, you say? Either!)

Kayden and Hayden

Donut Eating Contest:

One of the party treats were fortune cookies...
Hayden's Fortune Cookie: "When you make a silly face, it will get stuck that way."

Jocelyn's Fortune Cookie: "You will live a long life with crazy hair." :)

Playing with the Pumpkins on the Porch

Hayden had a Painting Pumpkins Play Date. 
He made one pumpkin with a smiley face and a "H" (for Hayden). The other pumpkin was for daddy, it was a "BYU" pumpkin! :)

Halloween Night

Our lazy-man's way of "carving" pumpkins:

Daddy and Jocelyn weren't feeling too well that night, so it was just Mommy and her Little Einstein.
Happy Halloween!

Preschool Halloween Party

The Preschool Posse Again...
Harrison (Cricket) & Hayden (Little Einstein)...

...and Ava (Mummy)!

More Hayden Quotes: 

Hayden came into the living room holding his head and said, "I have a head-fore ache". Neither Brian nor I could take him seriously.

Like I said earlier in the blog, Jocelyn wasn't feeling well. On one of those days, Hayden was wrestling with Jocelyn, who had her binkie. He was pushing on her stomach. I told Hayden, "Don't push on her tummy, you'll make her throw-up!" Hayden turns to me and says, "It's okay, her binkie is like a plug."

The kids and I were at Walmart buying candy for Halloween. Hayden looks at me with disgust and says with an attitude, "Is this candy for us, or for the church?!" (I guess we have been buying a lot of fun things for the Primary, and NOT Hayden) :)

One day Hayden was particularly gassy. After farting again, he says, "Man, I'm like stinkin' everyday!"
(Sorry Hayden, if you are anything like your father, it will be the story of your life.) 

Friday, November 2, 2012


Labor Day Camping
St. Anthony's with the Warrens and Wissingers:
Hayden taking Grandma for a ride 
on his NEW "Lightning McQueen" 4-wheeler!

 Grandpa and Hayden at the Lake

 Jessica and Jocelyn

Safety First when it comes to Shooting Guns.
You Gotta Wear Ear Protection
Smile, Aunt Jamie and Jocelyn

Bear World:

Petting Zoo at Bear World:
Gavin, Britain, and Hayden with fat Goat

Amusement Park at Bear World:
Gavin, Britain, and Hayden

Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo

Grandma and Grandpa Spoiling the Grandkids 

Bear Tour:

Thanksgiving Point Farms 
Wagon Ride:
Jocelyn, Hayden, Joshua, and Jarom

How long can we keep them in there?
Who would put that cute face behind bars?

Pony Ride:
Hayden had Fun...
And Jocelyn couldn't decide if she liked it or not.

BYU Dance Performance
Our family went to the "BYU 'Zeum" with the Walker family, and afterwards got ice cream in the WILK. While eating, "Hayden's Song" came on and he just had to dance. I caught a little bit of his performance. 

Ward Hoedown
Brian, Hayden, Jessica, and Jocelyn

Silly Pose:

Friend Picture:
Hayden and Kayden

Little Bunny Foo-Foo

Brian's a BIG 30

Riding Bikes with the Walkers
Hayden finally decided that riding a bike is cool.
(He's been riding his plasma car, and went through 2 pairs of shoes during the summer).
Hayden and Jarom rode their bikes together at the park, while Joshua and Jocelyn took turns pushing each other in the little car.

Brian's New, New Motorcycle 
Brian said that his other motocycle (the one he got in June), was too unsafe and old to drive on the freeway... And plus, he got a really good deal on this one... And he said it could be a late birthday gift. 
(You're not fooling anyone!)
Congrats on your new sexy bike!

Our Pretty Little Girl
Jocelyn's first official word (besides "mama" and "dada") was "sit". I was pulling Jocelyn and Hayden in the wagon and had to tell her about a dozen times to "sit", she started repeating me. But with Jocelyn's lisp it sounds like she is saying "s*it". She practiced "s*it" over and over and over again, for a couple of days. We would laugh each time she said it, and being the ham she is, she would say it again and again to get another laugh. 
A couple days later she learned the word "go" while playing on the slide.
These two words summarize Jocelyn perfectly: 
She Never SITS and Always GOES!

More Hayden Quotes:
One evening, I was making a zillion candy hand-outs for Primary. They were all piled high on the table, when Hayden came in, saw the pile and said, "Mom, you're a Beast, Man!" 
(Has he been hanging out with his Uncle Kyle too much?)

After getting Jocelyn ready one morning, Hayden walks into her room and says, "Jocelyn you look FANTASTIC!". I ask him, "What does that mean?". He replies, "Means even better."

Hayden saw a picture of a moose and said, "look mom it's an elk." I say to him, "No, it's a moose."Which he then replies with conviction and a know-it-all attitude, "Well, Grandpa calls them elk!"