Thursday, October 29, 2009


I love being a stay at home mom. But man, I thought I would get a lot more done. I think I got more done around the house when I was working.
So, I find myself trying to catch-up on my blogging again.

Grandma Came to Visit again
I think she likes Hayden, or something, cause she never came down to visit when it was just little ol' me! :)

She can't come without bring the goods:
Hayden trying to be very patient while Grandma got his new train out of the box.

Hayden playing with his new train:
Once in awhile he will chase the train while it is moving, but most of the time he just likes to destroy it. Boys!

Here's a picture of my little Monster:
(Don't be deceived by his cute little face.)

Grandma also got Hayden a walker:
He is loving the freedom of being able to stroll wherever he wants. But, he loves to ride the Lion even more then the freedom.
(I don't have a video, sorry. You ask why? Well I'm good, but not that good. I can't push Hayden and record at the same time. It's not the first time I wished I had more arms, and it won't be the last.)

While grandma was here, Hayden was showing her all of his new tricks.
But one time he got a little too crazy...
(WARNING: This is what happens when you're a "SHOW-OFF")

This last week we went to Seattle for a day (Daddy had a business meeting).
While we were there we visited with my great grandparents: Grandpa and Grandma White.

They took mom and I on a Ferry Ride.
It was an exciting ride. I liked the water, but I LOVED watching the seagulls.

Grandpa and Grandma White with Mr. Hayden Bo-Bayden.

Mom and I on the front of the Ferry.
(It was Win-dy).

After visiting in Seattle we went to the Tri-Cities,
where I sat on my throne and wore my crown;
while my grandparents served me and showered me with the most precious toys in all the kingdom.


  1. We love the videos!!!! Hayden keeps on learning new tricks hehe

  2. I too loved the videos. He is doing so good with the walker thing and him getting stuck...haha!
    Today I was at babies r us and saw his bedding. made me miss you real bad! can't wait to see you in feb. Love ya!
