Hayden is a SPITTER-UPPER.
It got so bad last week that we went to the doctor. After assessing Hayden the doctor decided that Hayden has acid-reflex. (Supposedly a lot of infants have this problem). The doctor prescribed Hayden some medicine to help with the discomfort. But the medicine does not cure the spit-upping. I was really disappointed when the doctor told me that Hayden was still going to "puke" all over his cloths, me, and sometimes even the furniture. (It was really frustrating changing Hayden several times a day because his clothes smelt like sour milk).
Finally I got smart, which is rare these days due to lack of sleep and not having any brain cells left from the pregnancy. I decided to put a bib on Hayden (what a genius idea)!
This has worked really well. Instead of changing his outfit a million times each day I just change out his bib. Now the only real problem I have is matching his bib with his outfit :) .
Look at my boy.
He is getting so big and he is more adorable then ever!
Hi, Jessica (Wow, I still want to call you Mrs. Quigley), this is Heather and Laura Hill. Thanks for sending the baby announcement. Hayden is sooooooo cute! You know, Heather was a spitter-upper too. She had colic and reflux. She lived in bib's. She spit up so often that we had to change her several times a day, even with the bib. She outgrew the colic but continued to spit up for several months. The medicine didn't work for her either. Just go find the cutest bibs you can find and that will help. Heather was so cute it was worth the effort. Hayden is super adorable.