Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hayden had his Dr. appointment yesterday.
Here are his 1 year Specs:
Weight: 20 lbs, (12%)
Height: 30 inches, (60%)
Head Circumference: 18 inches, (45%)

Compared to his Birth Specs:
Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz, (11%)
Height: 19 inches, (20%)
Head Circumference: 13 inches (12%)

As you can tell his weight has been consistent,
but his height and head are Movin' On Up!
He's such a BIG BOY!


Ryan came over this morning while his mom worked-out
Here is a little video clip of the boys sharing and being good:


  1. Such a cute little boy! We really want to come play on the quads with you! We will have to figure out when will work!

  2. Our boys have almost the exact same stats from birth till now! They would be such good buddies, i wish we lived closer!!

  3. I'm so glad you got this on video! Looks like a lot of "hit and run" was going on! Thanks so much for watching Ryan!
