Monday, September 19, 2011

Birth of Jocelyn LeAnne

We moved into our new home on Monday, July 11. Three days later it was my birthday and 2 days after that I started having contractions. Jocelyn was born 6 days after the move. It was a whirlwind of a week.
All week long Brian and I stayed-up til 2 o'clock in the morning, putting the house together. We only had 7 days til the scheduled c-section (but Baby Girl had different plans). Saturday evening my mother flew into SLC and we celebrated my belated birthday at Leatherby's (best ice cream parlor EVER, it was a good "last meal"). While at Leatherby's I started having "indigestion". On the way home I decided that I was experiencing "Braxton Hicks" (I wasn't due for another 9 days and the scheduled c-section was 2 days away, so it couldn't have been contractions). But later that night I got a prompting to pack my hospital bag. After getting 2 hours of sleep, I woke up at 2am to some major pain. I debated on whether or not to wake Brian, I didn't want to be one of those women (the ones that go to hospital, just to be sent home). I called the hospital and found out that contractions should be 5 min apart (I was clueless because I was suppose to have a c-section). After timing my 4 MINUTE contractions, we decided to make the 30 min drive to American Fork. We arrived around 3am. Answered questions for 1 1/2 hrs. Was in the delivery room by 5am. Started pushing at 6:30am, watched Brian go white (and almost pass out) and then watched his "WHOA NELLY" faces while I pushed. And then...Jocelyn LeAnne Quigley was born at 7:05am on Sunday, July 17th. Even though she didn't come as planned (a vaginal birth and a day early), I was happy that my mom had arrived to take care of Hayden, that the house was mostly put together, that she was healthy and happy, and most of all that I didn't have to push too long.

She arrived EXACTLY 2.5 years after Hayden.

She was 6 lbs 10 oz (1 oz less than Hayden) and
18 inches long (1 inch short of Hayden). Just a little baby sister to a T.

Tuesday, July 19 (3 days old):
The day we took Jocelyn home.

Grandma and Hayden, but mostly Grandma, were so excited to see baby Jocelyn.

Wednesday, July 20 (4 days old):
It was SO MUCH FUN to dress a little girl.

Thursday, July 21 (5 days old):
Her cute bows are the funnest to pick-out and put-in.
(Thank you Amber for the humongous selection).

Grandpa came to see the new baby girl.

Friday, July 22 (6 days old):

Great Grandpa Johnson also came to meet the newest family member:

Brotherly Love:
Hayden is such a male.
He doesn't quite know how to show his love, so he fixes things.

Hayden and Jocelyn
Hayden can't say Jocelyn's name.
So she has become "Josh-win"
("Josh" because that's Jarom's little brother's name and "win" because Hayden can't say his L's).

Jocelyn's Newborn Pictures (8 days old):

I am so grateful for my healthy, beautiful, little girl. For a Mr. Hayden Bo-Bayden that helps with his little sister and who brightens each day with his Sunshine. I am thankful for a kind and patient husband who works, so I can stay home with our precious kids, and who goes to school, so that our family will always be taken care of. I am thankful for our new home that allows Hayden to run and play without stumbling over his little "Josh-win". And I am most grateful for my Heavenly Father who watches over me and blesses me each and everyday.


  1. Congrats Jessica! Beautiful pictures! What a precious little girl! So happy for you!

  2. WE are so grateful too Jessica! Jocelyn inherited her Mommy's good looks too. :D
