While in Washington we Blessed Jocelyn.
Sunday, August 21, 2011:
Grandma dressing Jocelyn in her blessing dress,
while Ashley and Charlize give moral support.
The supportive family:
Teresa and Keith
Paul, David, Colt and Cheri
Great Grandpa and Grandma Quigley
Back Row: Nana, Nick, Charlize, Ashley, Jon, Grandma, and Hayden
Front Row: Brian and the 2 recently returned missionaries: Jeff and Kyle
Nick, Charlize, and Ashley
Cheri, Pops, and Hayden giving Jocelyn kisses.
Hayden showing the Big Kids, Grant, David, Paul and Kyle, how to play the STUPIDEST iPhone game EVER: "Talking Tom".
Cheri and Jocelyn
The men at the dessert bar:
Colt, Brandon, Uncle Keith, and Nick
And the whole "fam-damn-ily":
Brandon, Kyle, Pops, Nana, Jeff, Great Grandpa Quigley, Charlize, Ashley, Nick, Jon, Great Grandma Quigley, Paul, Cheri, David, Jessica, Jocelyn, Grant, Hayden, Brian, Teresa, Keith, Grandma, Grandpa, and Colt.
(It was hard to get Hayden to hold still for pictures):
Me with my 2 "TIDS":
Our new family:
Jocelyn's Blessing Dress:
(P.S. Daddy picked out the dress)
We're so happy you all came here so all the fam-damily could be there!