Hayden has been spoiled these last couple of weeks. He got two new outfits, one from Aunt Tina and the other from Grandma Warren. He also got books from Nanna Quigley.
I guess God made Grandmas for a reason, one of them being to buy grandchildren things that their parents can't and won't.
This picture is of Hayden in one of his new outfits.
Isn't he just TOO Cute!?
TOO Funny!
On Friday we went to Aunt Tina's house to help her set-up for a yard sale. Her five year old son, Gavin, was also helping, or at least trying. Gavin was putting $1 stickers on EVERYTHING, including his older brother's Tacoma truck. Gavin decided to put a sticker on Hayden (or as he says "BABY HAYDEN"), but instead of being only a dollar, he decided that Hayden was worth $100.
Clever Brian (always rolling with the punches) shouted, "Clean diaper for a limited time only!" When I asked if the cute outfit was included, he stated, "Accessories sold separately."
I love his out fit... SO SO CUTE!! hahahaha funny... $100, ah?